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Playing by the rules: GACO stands guard at Gibraltar’s gates

31 January 2024

Working to ensure its members have the tools to prevent everything from terrorism financing to money laundering, internal fraud to financial crime, the Gibraltar Association of Compliance Officers (GACO) is at the forefront of educating its 250-plus members on how best to keep the Rock’s myriad institutions safe.

GACO members range from high street shops to investment managers, banks, estate agents, the insurance and gaming industries, in short anyone who needs and wants to be compliant with the regulations – and to play by the rules.

Running regular training sessions, both face to face and through webinars, GACO is now in its 20th year and is fiercely proud of its independence, insisting: “We don’t accept sponsorship.”

Part of that mentoring includes GACO’s yearly Financial Crime Training, which is crucial to navigate an ever-changing minefield of risks such as fraud, data and information security, to bribery and corruption.

Yearly tune-up The shopping list of potential risk may seem daunting but it is GACO’s role to help equip its members with the tools needed for financial crime prevention and to enable professionals, indeed all members of staff, to understand their part in making their particular environment safe.

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