MLRO Masterclass 13th & 15th of May

GACO is happy to announce it will once again host an MLRO Masterclass aimed, as last year at MLROs and deputy MLROs.
Money Laundering Reporting Officers (MLROs) act as the focal point within regulated entities for the oversight of all activity relating to anti-money laundering, counter terrorism and counter proliferation financing (AML/CFT/CPF). Therefore, MLROs need to be equipped with sufficient expertise and knowledge to fulfil their obligations. In the current rapidly evolving regulatory landscape it is crucial for MLROs to continuously stay abreast of regulatory expectations and changes, worldwide developments and risks.
Whether you have held the position of MLRO for some years or are recently appointed you will undoubtedly find the event of value in meeting your day to day responsibilities. The areas particularly that will be addressed are:
- A thorough understanding of your duties and obligations as MLRO.
- Expectations by supervisory authorities when fulfilling the role of MLRO.
- Guidance for dealing with suspicious transactions and activity reports, including consent requests.
- Insight into the implementation of key requirements e.g. designing a risk assessment and sanctions screening.
GACO is delighted to once again engage with David Parody, the National Coordinator representative for AML/CFT/CPF on behalf of the Government of Gibraltar, to co-deliver the workshop. The Head of the GFIU, Edgar Lopez, and the GFIU’s Head of Operations, Carl Ramagge will also join us to co-deliver insights into bad and good practices when analysing and submitting suspicious activity reports and the legal requirements and processes to follow for consent requests.
Please note that this event is for MLRO’s and Deputy MLROs only. Therefore, a maximum of 2 persons per authorised entity only may sign up.
As places are limited, please register online as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
Sessions, Dates & Time
- Monday 13th May 2024: 9.30-12.45 or
- Wednesday 15th May 2024: 9.30-12.45 FULLY BOOKED
- Venue: Gibraltar University
- GACO Members: £40 per attendee
- Non-GACO Members: £80 per attendee
GACO Event Terms & Conditions do apply.
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